Friday, 26 February 2010

Campaign - what you must cover in your blogs or porfolio folders

You need to keep detailed notes of all your ideas, plans, decisions and records of meetings you attend as well as anything you produce and any documentation you create while producing it.

Keep all your work in either blog or portfolio folder form.

You will be assessed on:
LO1: your investigations into the nature and purpose of campaigns
LO2: the planning of your campaign
LO3: the documentation of the running of your campaign
LO4: the monitering and review process of your campaign.

On completion of all your work for this unit you will be given two marks: Mark A and Mark B.

Mark A will be awarded on the basis of your Blog/Portfolio Folder and Mark B will be awarded on the basis of your teachers' observation of how you worked. The two marks will be added together for your final mark for this unit.

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