Festival Unit
The comments and marks below relate to the highest grades and they go down steeply from there.
You should keep written records – evidence – for each stage of your work for every learning objective.
Learning Objective 1
Understand the nature of festivals in the creative and media industries
Keep records of your research into three festivals.
(either on your blogs, hard-copies or on Pages. 12-15 marks
Learning Objective 2
Be able to contribute to the planning of a festival.
Keep a detailed record of your contributions and ideas for the planning of the festival. Show how you explored your ideas, regardless of whether the group accepted or rejected them. 12-15 marks
Learning Objective 3
Be able to contribute to the promotion of a festival.
Make a consistently effective and imaginative contribution to your festival.
Make a consistently effective and imaginative contribution to the production of imaginative promotional materials. 12-15 marks.
Learning Objective 4
Be able to contribute to the running of a festival
You should be able to:
• carry out responsibilities for own role in the running of the festival with confidence and high levels of efficiency.
• manage time effectively and works to schedules at all times.
• collaborate (work) positively with others at all times.
• consistently follows safe working practices carefully and efficiently.
• require very occasional support and guidance. 12-15 marks.