Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Second Task : Your Creative Task for Cog Design

The Scenario
Cog Design has asked you to design and create a CD cover for a new Lewisham act. The purpose of the CD design is to promote the new music act. The CD must be created in such a way to make it attractive to the youth market.

What you need to be aware of for this task
There will be a promotional element to the design involving the branding of the new music act and you will investigate aspects such as the use of typography and imagery.

The creation of a CD will involve adertising, understanding of the market for the product and an understanding of its content.

The Cover will be developed using traditional and digital media and the final artefact should be created using digital photography and Adobe Photoshop.

What you need to post about (so you can show how you reflect on your work)
You will need to monitor your own creative activity. You will meet with the client to agree the design ideas and use feedback to enhance the design.

You need at least 8 posts in which you explain what you are doing - two for each stage of your creative process of designing and making a CD cover for Cog Design.

The Deadline
A strict deadline will have to be met to ensure the CD cover is ready for the launch of the new music act.

The last week of half term. Your research posts and your designs are to be completed by this week. We need an individual meeting just before completion to check whether your design is appropriate for the group/singer.

A useful site for a checklist on the steps and advice for designing and creating a CD cover.

First Task - Research the process of designing and making CD covers

In this assignment you will learn about the process of creating CD artwork and study the work of successful CD designers to enhance your knowledge for your own creative process. Your findings will help you to develop your skills in the planning and design of a CD cover.

What you need to research

You need to visit a minimum you of TWO websites to discover the PROCESSES OF HOW CD covers are made.

  • the inspiration for the cover
  • the design and what is meant to represent ( in graphics and colours)
  • the materials used including software
  • The CD box and the disc, the material used, expense, etc.
  • anything you consider to be important in the process of designing and making a CD cover.

The posts you need to write

Write at least two posts for each designer you have visited about how they go about designing and making a CD cover. Add more, if necessary.

You should aim to include weblinks and images, etc.

Here are some of websites to help you:




If these are not enough you can Google up some of your own.

Saturday, 19 September 2009